Excel for mac quick access toolbar
Excel for mac quick access toolbar

excel for mac quick access toolbar

Once you select the option, it will open an Excel options window where all the commands are listed.You have to select the second option: customize quick access toolbar. Right click on the ribbon, which will display five different options.

#Excel for mac quick access toolbar how to

How to add commands in the Quick Access Toolbar? If you do more data crunching in Excel, you can choose commands such as Add or Remove Filter, Create Chart, Pivot Table, and Quick Print. and choose other commands based on your daily tasks and work. As a rule of thumb, you should have few standard commands such as Print, Redo, Undo etc. You can see all the commands available in the above screenshot.

excel for mac quick access toolbar

You can see all the available commands by clicking Customize Quick Access Toolbar and then More Commands. What are the commands available in the Quick Access Toolbar? You can also change its place by clicking on Customize Quick Access Toolbar (the down arrow in the picture next to the re-do button) and choosing the option Show Below the Ribbon. The Quick Access Toolbar in Excel is placed just above the ribbon: So, if you want to print any document, instead of going through File – > Print, you can directly click the print button from quick access toolbar in Excel and get the document printed. For example, by default, Excel provides Print, Undo, and Redo options in the Quick Access Toolbar. It is very convenient for a user to perform the various task quickly without remembering any shortcut key for the command. The Quick Access Toolbar in Excel is a toolbar that contains commonly-used Excel commands.

Excel for mac quick access toolbar